I am looking for a design that I can use to connect my downspouts to a 1,000 liter tote, or a couple of plastic rain barrels.

Question: I am looking for a design that I can use to connect my downspouts to a 1,000 liter tote, or a couple of plastic rain barrels. My downspouts are connected to pvc piping near the ground, and the pvc piping continues underground and to the edge of my lawn and drains into the woods. I’d like to find a way to fill the containers and then have any overflow travel through the buried pipe to be dispersed away from the house. Even better would be a way to set up a pump so I could let the water rip when it was watering time. I’m on a well and watering is a challenge with low flow rates and lack of volume. Any ideas or links would be appreciated!

Answer: Our universal downspout diverter will help with this. Take a look at how it connects to the white rain barrel (below). When full the water backs up and continues down the downspout. A tote tank can be set up the same way.