North Perth Home Delivery

This sale features free home delivery to addresses within North Perth, Ontario during the months of April, May and June. Local pick up is not an option.

Before Placing an Order, Please Review Our Local Service Area

Home Delivery is available to the following area: North Perth.

If your delivery address is not within our Local Service Area, please consider asking friends or family to receive your order or visit our Home Page Truckload Sale List to find a sale near you, or contact us for assistance.

When will my order be delivered? Barrels Ordered: 0/100

Our prices are kept low by shipping full truckloads of 100 barrels. The Barrels Ordered value appearing above represents the number of barrels ordered for this sale. We plan to ship within 10 days of order receipt or shortly after Barrels Ordered reaches a multiple of 100 barrels. Our customers play a vital role in helping us ship at the earliest opportunity. By sharing a link to the rain barrel sale with friends and family, your actions can help us fill the truck sooner. Please consider sharing the following link on social media and through email.


Click on a product image or see our FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQS) for product specific questions.

We are pleased to offer free home delivery for tanks, barrels or composters and any accessories ordered with them. Orders of “accessories only” are subject to a minimum $20 flat delivery fee calculated at checkout.

Fundraise with Rain Barrels. Learn more.

Best Downspout Diverter for Connection, Filtration, Overflow & Flood Prevention
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Rain Barrels

Rain Barrel Accessories

Garden Accessories