Beaumont, AB: Beaumont and District Agricultural Society Rain Barrel Sales

The Beaumont and District Agricultural Society is hosting a rain barrel sale on Friday May 31. Please use the links below to view the English page or the French page.

La Société agricole de Beaumont et du district organise une vente de barils de pluie le vendredi 31 mai. Veuillez utiliser les liens ci-dessous pour consulter la page anglaise ou la page française.

May 31 from 5:00PM – 8:00PM @ BADAS Grounds 24358 Township Rd 505, Beaumont, AB T4X 0S4 31 mai de 17h00 à 20h00 @ BADAS Grounds 24358 Township Rd 505, Beaumont, AB T4X 0S4
Fundraise with Rain Barrels. Learn more.

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