Rain Barrel Decorating Contest

Kids Colouring Contest!


Know an artistic child? Would you like to win a free rain barrel, composter or downspout diverter?

We are sponsoring a Virtual Rain Barrel Decorating Contest! We would love to see how they will colour and decorate our barrel! Get your copy to decorate here! Enter as often as you like.

Email your digital colouring or scanned page to [email protected].by May 15, 2020 to be included in our first “drawing”.

If we select your submission, you will have the choice of receiving a FREE rain barrel, universal downspout diverter or a $50 gift card.

Keep an eye on our Website, Facebook and Twitter where we will share entries!

*All submissions become the property of RainBarrel.ca / RainBarrelFundraising.com, and include the rights to reuse them for promotional purposes.